Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Little things

As I sat with chubby today as he did some counting practice and was getting the answers right it occurred to me if we could all be as happy and excited over the small things as he does we would never stop grinning!
He has struggled with even the simplist skills, jut now managing to count to 10! But never giving up! His excitement is thrilling to watch as he counts the bugs, first to 5, then 2, 3, and then 4! Getting each right, followed bya "ya" then"I am so happy, I will always be happy" a statement he lives by daily. My son may be delayed in some ways but he is happy, not caught up in the material things of the world, or who is best at whatever. He never has a bad day, no matter what's happening its always "a good day" as he says each morning.  He will continue on learning new skills improving the ones he has. I pray he avoids learning the bad things in life, and avoids bad people. I hope nothing ever dampens his enthusiasm for learning and life, for loving his family, and all living things. His heart on his shirt, easily crushed, but he bounces back more forgiving than any other person I know, An example to me I strive to forgive as easily as him. I hope to remember to enjoy small things in life like he does. Those small moments of joy are sometimes bigger than we know!
Just my thoughts for today
Mom J

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